My Prayer Beads

Citrine - I give thanks to the Lord and rejoice; He is good. (Psalm 40:16-17)

Rhodonite - I use my gifts to fulfill my soul's holy purpose. (Hebrews 10:7)

Moss Agate - I live in a world full of God's abundance. (Jeremiah 17:7-8)

Amethyst - God provides great wisdom which is available to me. (Proverbs 3:4-8)

Carnelian - The Lord shelters and warms my soul. (Psalm 37:4-7)

An example of a prayer structured around these:

     Lord, you bring me joy greater than the world could ever bring me, even the most beautiful parts of your meticulously balanced Creation. Father, I am able to speak because You gave me a voice. I couldn't spread Your Word without You, my King. I dance and sing praise to You because You've given me an able body to do so.    Selah

     I give myself over to You, my King. Please use me for Your great and holy will. I treasure You and Your commandments, Lord; please guide my steps and teach me the words to best spread Your glory and Your Kingdom. May I be a fountain of the river of life that is Your Word.    Selah

    May my faith grow each day, Lord, like a mustard seed that starts out tiny and grows out to be enormous. The plants and trees only grow by Your providence, Lord. I live each day by Your grace alone, and by faith in You, may I grow ever closer to You.    Selah

     Lord, help me to discern Your will in every situation and know what it is I should do as I represent You to the people in my life. Please give me the wisdom to seek You in every situation, and guide me in every opportunity that I'm given to spread Your Word. Help me as I seek You daily to grow in my knowledge and memory of the Bible. Live in me and direct my words.    Selah

     My King, as I go forward this next day, please protect me from the evil one and the storms of life. Be tender and loving to me, and light a fire in my heart; give me passion for you, O Lord. Reign over both my highs and lows.

In Your name, which is honored as Holy and powerful forever,

