Prayer for Peace

    My King and Father, Eli, Yahweh; blessed be Your name. This world that you've placed me in is dark, and I struggle to see the light when all seems lost. Righteous fury and wrathful evil seek to tear eachother apart in war today. Please, Lord, may there be love in the world, let tender caring send a message among survivors that all is not lost. Speak peace to the hearts of soldiers, that they might lower their weapons away from the innocent. Prince of Peace, soften the hearts of the leaders of all the countries of the world; may they seek a swift end to this war, and prevent the loss of further lives, for we are all in their hands. You are good even in the hard times, Lord. Through You, all this is possible. But even so, Your will be done. 


Pictured: carnelian, rose quartz, kunzite, pearl, and amethyst


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