Child of Light's One Year Anniversary

Today I am on my way to Falls Creek, the camp that my youth group and hundreds of others go to every summer. It was last year at camp that I first found the idea and felt convicted to create this blog, using my love of nature and crystals to start spiritual conversations. 
A large part of my motivation was that these days it's almost impossible to Google any crystal or mineral without being bombarded with meditation, manifestation, witchcraft and pagan beliefs about the supposed magical properties of crystals. My goal has always been to be a positive Christian influence balancing that out, respectfully and lovingly sharing my truth. I know that most people who follow practices like manifestation and witchcraft do so because they have been traumatized or hurt by churches or Christians in the past. These experiences are real and unfortunately happen more and more often as time goes on, because the corruption of the world seeps into the church and draws us to do prideful, judgemental and hurtful things. I mean this honestly when I say that hurting those who don't fit in with the church's ideals is not the truth of our faith. My only hope is to be a positive look at Christianity to those who have turned away from it for these reasons.

     As I mentioned in my blog post about blue lace agate, what I write in this blog is led by the Holy Spirit- I just get the spark to start a post, and before I've realized what I'm writing I've got two pages of my notebook full of writing. On the other hand, sometimes I start a post and a couple of paragraphs sit abandoned until months later when I figure out how to work the rest of it. Tiger eye was one such post - it was one of the first I started writing while I was still at camp last year, but it got finished and published in September.

     Anyway, to celebrate Child of Light's one year anniversary, I decided to retake the thumbnail photos for my first three blog posts, hematite, carnelian, and ruby. The original pictures leave much to be desired, aha, but I'll leave them at the bottom of each post as embarrassing keepsakes. Here's the new pictures! I'm excited to see how God will speak to me this year, and I hope you'll stick around to see!

being in the dirt was definitely not fitting for the vibe of this rock or the theme of the post. Two of the three tumblestones in the new pic were in the old one!

now featuring a better backdrop and a rough hematite-coated quartz cluster-chunk, which kinda better illustrates the theme of rough stone to polished stone. One of the tumblestones is natural with bands of brown rock, and the other is a polished mirror.

Featuring the same red rock which may or may not actually be ruby(?) As well as my ruby in fuscite and a tiny ruby gem that I've recently acquired. The maybe-ruby rock is harder than quartz but doesn't fluoresce at all the way ruby should so the original ID might've been wrong after all.
