Crystal Directory

Sensing Holiness

Clear Quartz- sight

Jade- sound

Smoky Quartz- smell

Strawberry quartz- taste

Amethyst- touch

Reflection of Glory

The shining light of holiness; we strive to reflect it in our lives and hearts.

Hematite- imperfect mirrors

Sunstone- shine His light

*Goldstone- creation

Tiger Eye- golden glory

Opal- glorious transformation

Golden quartz- children of light

Unfathomable Power 

 There are things that we can only dream of knowing, forces so great that they draw us in without knowing what lies ahead...

Aventurine- forests

*Sodalite- deep ocean

Blue Goldstone- outer space

*Tektite- asteroids 

Labradorite- aurora borealis

Obsidian- mysteries

Isua Stone - ancient life 


What if I told you, that all of the darkness in your life and the pain could be eternally healed?

Ruby- precious

Jet- rescue from evil

*Amber- trapped

*Pietersite- storms

*Bloodstone- salvation

Rest for Your Soul

What we all seek is rest, beyond just surface level.

 Lepidolite- peace

Blue Calcite- comfort

Rose Quartz- love

Strawberry Quartz- sweetness 

Prehnite- tender 

Opalite- joy

Mother of Pearl- wealth of the heart

Elements of Faith

There are fundamental aspects of Creation that teach us lessons, both about ourselves, and about the Lord.

Carnelian- fire

*Ocean Picture Stone- water

Brown Jasper- earth

*Fluorite- air


Surrounded by darkness, we need light in our lives.

*Zebra Stone- with us always

*Tourmalinated Quartz- dark hearts

*Snowflake Obsidian- purification; death into life

Snow Quartz- purity

A Life Fulfilled

The answers to all your troubles and needs in this life without light.

Red Jasper- firey strength

*Mahogany Obsidian- impossible power

Selenite and Satin Spar- utmost purity

*Citrine- true happiness

*Rhodonite- our holy purpose 

Green calcite- peaceful healing

Flower Agate- growing in the Spirit

Azurite- seeking life-changing wisdom

Rhodochrosite- life-long relationships

My Testimony

These posts are somewhat less related in topic, but all feature parts of my testimony, the story of how God has changed my life personally.

Jet- rescue from the evil one

*Amber- strong faith through trauma

Opal- healing and transformation in my life

Blue lace agate- the Holy Spirit guiding this blog

*coming soon!


  1. These writings are absolutely beautiful!


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